The ToDDcastPoDDcast from Humbopye LLC

These are the cold, facts baby!

T1 Season 2 Episode 4

Navy Fed, The FEDS and all things that be federal

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The ToDDcastPoDDcast on Apple, Spotify, IHeart etc
Show presented by HumbopyeLLC
Host T1

Episode 4

Intro: Welcome everyone and thank you, this is the ToDDcastPoDDcast, a proud affiliate of HumbopyeLLC. I'm ya host, T1, and THESE ARE THE FACTS ... as they appear to me ... my show, my flow, ya dig.

1st Segment - Firstly, I would like to give a shout out and bold "Welcome Home!"to Marvin Haynes, a Minnesota man that had been in prison the last 20 yrs for a crime he did not commit. Although this is not an uncommon occurrence, this seemingly happens to black/brown men more so than any other race. Is it because that most black men are seen as guilty as charged and not the bantered around affirmation that all are innocent until proven guilty? Just like when someone black is set to got to trial the first action usually taken is to try to remove most, if not, all blacks from the jury/jury pool; as it gives the prosecution more favorable odds for a conviction. Damn his/her rights being trampled, how is this being judged by a jury of your peers? Is there the same motivation and impetus to do the same to guarantee a fair trial? Even more so, should the judge be black as well? I believe 'yes' is the proper answer to that question. Now, I'm not here to rant & rave about racial inequality, I'm more than sure that is a foregone conclusion; but this is about justice, in a justice system that seemingly dispenses an unequivocal and not so blind level of punishment, based on color and financial status. Real true justice cannot be bought. This is more along the line of abuse or power. And speaking of abusive powers that be ....

2nd Segment - It was reported this week that white NYPD officers were quitting, due to non-white folks being hired. It was also reported that morale was low because of this activity. LMAO! I guess only white folks can be polices's in this bitch! Even thought morale is low, I see that racism is at an all time high within the ranks of the police force. Now mind you, this is the biggest police force in the nation, so the context is gonna be skewed up a lil. So, generally speaking a few is 3/4, but in this instance there was not an actual number given; left to assume, I'd say more the line of roughly 25 to 50 officers quit, maybe more. The move to hire more non white police enraged a group of them that much that they actually gave up their positions. Not to mention, all this was enacted by Mayor Eric Adams of NY and there is reportedly extreme contempt held for this man who is a retired cop himself. And the department, which he speaks so glowingly of, is upset with this man for trying to integrate the police force. Well, GOOD! Hopefully harassment goes down to an all time low. Secondly, I thought that being a cop was a public servant position. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO SERVE THE PUBLIC AND YOU HATE NON-WHITE MOTHERFUKKA'S? Someone, please make it make sense! Why apply or even take the job unless you have ulterior motives? Which could only be to cause harm to someone. Or it could be the history the police force is rooted in and has never rebuked nor disowned. They initially started off as slave-catchers and morphed into the Pinkertons, which further grew into the modern day police force it has become today. Fuck! The first black police officers were not allowed to arrest white folk, only blacks. If they caught some white assailant doing a crime, they could hold him/her, but only proper white cops could make the official arrest. Now, why in thee fuck, would these fools even consider taking a job like that. To further my point, the first two black FBI agents were ONLY enlisted because they (FBI) could not infiltrate the UNIA (United Negro Improvement Association), the largest mass movement of blacks in history. The same goes with the Black Panthers, as they were infiltrated by the FBI using a black informants as well. Since the days of J. Edgar, the FBI edict is that there will be no "Black Messiah" in Amerikkka, that's why all of our leaders have either been locked away for an exuberant amount of time or simply erased. And we have tons and tons of dead leaders who had to lead from the grave because the only thing that was left of them were some writings or films made of them. I just do not understand how any black could derive any pride from such an organization. Guess it's not for me to know ...

3rd Segment - Ok, now I see they jumped ya boy, Charleston White. And I really don't know how to feel about it either. There is such a stark dichotomy when it comes to this dude. On one hand, he's touts himself as a community activist, and has started programs for the kids ... err'body luh the kids ... but at the same time, he seems to get pleasure out of seeing other black folks go to jail. If I remember correctly, he also is a Trump supporter and has worn the rebel flag. So there in lies my confusion when it comes to this particular character. I mean is he just snitching on black folks or is he telling on all the crime that he sees? To me, you cannot have unity with the police being involved in your business. if he has love for his own kind, I really don't see it, but he says he does; so that is for you as in individual to figure out.

-Also in the News- these motherfuckers reported on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce hiding fucking hands ... how the fuck is that news??? Who gives a fuck, frfr? If shit like this is "news" to you, then your life must really suck! Just like them goddamn Kardashians ... a group of talentless women ... how in the hell did they become famous??? I so my best to skip over the dumb shit when I'm reading the news.

-Also in the News- out of the British Tabloid, The Mirror, there was a story of a Japanese man who blew up his apartment trying to kill a single cockroach ..... I know what you're thinking,"How in the fuck do you do that?". Well, it's not as wacky as you would think, and has reportedly happened before. Apparently, he sprayed so much repellent that it became combustible in there and a table he was using to heat up his apt, called a kotatsu, ignited the spray blew his ass up. He escaped with minor injuries. As I stated earlier, not uncommon, it usually involves the wall socket being the ignition source. (Ad lib a lil)

-Also in the News- Now this story just blew me away. This is one is out of an article from the So, in Taiwan, a young woman went to visit the local Medical Center: complaining of pain in her abdomen and lower bowel. Wellllllll, they admit her or whatever and give her an Xray and, you ready for this? She had over 300 kidney stones, goddamit I said 300! She goes on to tell them that she does not drink much water, that she prefers to hydrate herself with bubble teas, juice and alcoholic beverages. I say bitch, goddamn, come on now! After the doctors removed all of them, they said them sum'bitches looked like small steamed buns ... wtf?!? I bet you couldn't tell if she was pissing or shitting after she left the bathroom, it prolly all smelled the same in there, like she had two assholes. That piss had to be strong as a motherfucka! I wonder if she was a squirter?



... for bringing the toughness back to the NBA. The product that is put out now, is devoid of real masculinity. Is the NBA is trying to be "politically correct" in its' display of  male athletecism? Trying to make it 'less toxic' by wrapping it in a metrosexual garment with some dope sneakers??? 3 after 3 after 3 after 3 ... I think you get where I'm going. Draymond shoots 3's for fun but he also had to make the adjustment to the new way to stay relevant, but he would rather be banging down low defending and shit; but that type of player is no longer valued in today's NBA. The Euro-league is more physical than the NBA is and I never thought I'd ever live to see that. And every player in the league wants a player like Draymond and PJ Tucker on their team, whether they want to admit or not. You got a nigger you can go war with on the court AND THE CLUB!!! There are real rivalries left like the BULLS vs Knicks or the Detroit Pistons versus the world, they truly did not give a fuck about you or ya mammy. Speaking mothers, I got confused the other day as to whether I was watching the NBA/WNBA, it was so many man-buns & tight shorts on the court (lol,shiiiit). Maaaaan, with them big ass shoes on, looking they hooping in some boneless Timberlands, the US players are more Euro than the European players are with that tight shit on. Anyways, Draymond again, thank you! Thank for just a glimpse to a time where even superstars were getting popped in the mouf (RIP Kobe); but ask Chris Childs. 

That is for me! Thank you to my subscribers, listeners and haters, because truly without you; I would not have the energy to keep doing this. If you have not subscribed and really really wanna, all you gotta do is go to and give whatever and help feed the kids ... mainly mines muh'fuh (just joking) but any amount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Sir Duke for my theme song, err black super-hero needs one. Tonights artist taking us outta here from Texas, his name NFD Haze and you can find him on Instagram under the same moniker, here's Shtep ...

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